Our First Half!

Our First Half!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Great day for a run!

My route!
Well today was absolutely gorgeous...perfect blue skies and breezy 65 degree temperature...basically the perfect way to start the week.  I don't even know where to start with this one.  Although getting the motivation to start the run wasn't easy, the run itself was amazing.  Aside from the perfect weather, I just felt wonderful...I felt strong and a significant improvement in my stride.  I was nervous starting out because last week's 7-miler was so difficult, but the two runs couldn't have been more different.  Today, I wasn't rushed and I wasn't bored (which I think were both contributing factors to making last week's run so difficult...along with the fact that I hadn't run for almost two weeks due to my health issues discussed in the post before this one).  My attitude today was: just go out there and do this. enjoy it. celebrate it. and do not give up.

Well, it worked!  I ran to the law school and on the way there, I decided that I would run all the way up the hill on HWY 54...the one that I used as an excuse to walk during last week's run.  I ran the entire way up and felt great about it...in spite of the fact that the wind was blowing directly against me...and not a cute little breeze, but actual wind :-(

Then, on the way back from the law school, there was an older couple waiting for the bus and they moved aside so that I could run past them.  As I got closer to them, they said two words to me: "Good job!"  I couldn't even believe it...these complete strangers were being so supportive for someone they didn't even know...it was really inspiring and helped me lengthen my stride a bit.  Once I got to about 4.5 miles, I started getting really thirsty, so I ran in to the Rite Aid and bought a bottle of water and PowerBar Energy Gel Packets.  This was exactly what I needed.  The gel gave me the energy to push through and I kept going and felt strong the whole time.  I actually thought I could have kept going when the run was over!  8.5 miles down in about an hour and a half!  Longest run ever in my life!

When I got home, I decided to take an ice bath (well actually I had decided this before but actually decided to follow through with it when I got home).  Ice baths are supposed to help with muscle inflammation and soreness.  I just followed some instructions from online and drew a cold bath.  I sat in the bath of cold water for 5 minutes and then dumped the bucket of ice in and sat for another 10 minutes.  It was pretty brutal but I feel much better now.  And now I'm writing this to you guys!   I feel fantastic... I'm actually really looking forward to this half marathon now!

I am also feeling fantastic because I am starting to feel like I am accomplishing goals (I can fit into a size 2 again!).  We had our law prom this weekend and I was finally able to fit into the size dress I have been aiming for!  We had a wonderful time...danced the night away and just basically had the best time possible with our friends.  I am so blessed to have such incredible people to share such a special night with :-)  Love you all!!!  You are all so supportive and are my inspiration!

Next up? 9 miles!!!  We are getting closer to the goal!  Less than 30 days until the big race!  Can't wait...I'm actually starting to LIKE running...it's about time :-D

Here is the training schedule for this week:

Stretch &
5 m run
3 m run or cross
5 m run +
Rest or easy run
10-K Race


  1. Way to go girl!!! I can't wait to hear how you tear this half up! and you look AMAZING! :) Love the post.

  2. Thanks Jo! you are such a great follower and always leave awesome comments that make me feel so good! :-) I think I need to be better about posting because if I were following this blog, I would want the poster to post more haha...I say this because whenever I check other blogs I follow and they haven't been updated, I feel let down hahh! so I will work on that for everyone :)

  3. you looked so amazing!!!!! keep up the awesome work- you inspire me!!

  4. thanks girls! i love when i get comments on the blog...especially ones that are so sweet! :-)

  5. Proud of you! I found an awesome trail close to my house, part of the American Tobacco Trail, the unpaved part. Let me know if you're interested in a weekend run with me, as long as we keep it short (5 miles or less) :)
